‘HiPo vs HiPer’ is the question that can make even the most seasoned recruiters, best coaches and HR pros break out in a cold sweat: “Are we betting on the right people?”
HiPos (High Potentials) vs HiPers (High Performers) is the corporate equivalent of choosing between investing in a blue-chip stock or an exciting startup. Do you pour your resources into the reliable high performers (HiPers) who are delivering results right now, or do you take a chance on those high-potential employees (HiPos) who might be the leaders of tomorrow?
Get it right, and you could be helping your company achieve future success. Get it wrong, and… well, let’s just say the consequences can be more than a little uncomfortable.
In my opinion, it’s not actually an either/or situation. The real magic happens when you learn to identify, develop, and retain both your HiPos and HiPers.
Defining the HiPer and HiPo employee
First things first, let’s break down what we mean when we talk about HiPos and HiPers. Trust me, this isn’t just HR jargon – understanding these definitions is crucial for developing a killer talent management strategy.
High Potentials (HiPos) are the rising stars, the employees who show promise to be future leaders in your organization. They’re the ones who make you think, “Wow, this person could be running the show someday!” These are the folks who demonstrate a knack for learning quickly, adapting to change like chameleons, and thinking strategically about the big picture. They’ve got that spark of leadership abilities and an ambition that’s practically contagious.
On the other hand, High Performers (HiPers) are your current superstars, the employees who consistently exceed expectations in their current roles. They’re the ones who make you think, “Thank goodness we have them on our team!” These are the reliable workhorses who bring their A-game every single day. They’ve got deep expertise in their current role, a work ethic that would make your grandmother proud, and a track record of meeting and exceeding targets that’s as consistent as my need for coffee.
Now, here’s where it gets interesting (and sometimes a bit messy): these categories aren’t mutually exclusive. You can have HiPos who are also HiPers, HiPers who aren’t necessarily HiPos, and even HiPos who aren’t currently high performers. Confused yet? Don’t worry, we’ll break it down further.
The HiPo-HiPer Matrix: A Visual Guide
To help visualize this concept, let’s imagine a 2×2 matrix. On one axis, we have performance, and on the other, we have potential. This gives us four quadrants that paint a pretty interesting picture of our talent landscape.
In the bottom-left corner, we’ve got the low potential, low performance group. These are the employees who might need some extra support or, let’s be honest, might not be the right fit for their current roles. It’s like they’re stuck in first gear while everyone else is cruising along the highway.
Moving up, we’ve got the high potential, low performance group. These are your diamonds in the rough. They’ve got the potential to be future leaders, but for some reason, they’re not quite hitting the mark in their current role. Maybe they’re in the wrong position, or perhaps they just need a little polishing to really shine.
Over in the bottom-right, we’ve got the low potential, high performance folks. These are your reliable workhorses. They excel in their current roles, consistently delivering results that make you want to do a happy dance. However, they might not have the potential for significant advancement. And you know what? That’s perfectly okay. Not everyone needs to climb the corporate ladder to be valuable.
Finally, in the top-right corner, we’ve got the holy grail: high potential, high performance. These rare gems are both current stars and future leaders. They’re knocking it out of the park in their current roles while showing all the signs of being able to take on bigger challenges in the future.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Great, but how do I actually identify who goes where?” Don’t worry, we’re getting there!
Spotting the Difference: Identifying HiPos and HiPers
Alright, time to put on your detective hat. Identifying HiPos and HiPers isn’t always straightforward, but there are some telltale signs to look out for.
When it comes to High Potentials, you’re looking for the adaptable chameleons of your organization. People identified as HiPos not only survive but thrive when you throw them into new situations. They’re like sponges, soaking up new knowledge and skills faster than you can say “professional development.” You’ll often find them thinking beyond their current role, seeing the big picture in a way that makes you wonder if they’ve got a crystal ball hidden in their desk drawer.
But it’s not just about brainpower. HiPos are also easily identified by emotional intelligence that’s off the charts. They navigate interpersonal relationships with the finesse of a diplomat, making you think they missed their calling at the UN. And let’s not forget about drive. These individuals are ambitious in a way that’s almost palpable. They’re always looking for the next challenge, the next mountain to climb.
Now, let’s talk about High Performers. These are your go-to people, the ones who consistently deliver results that make you want to break out in a happy dance. They’ve got a depth of expertise in their current area that’s as impressive as it is valuable. Need something done? They’re on it before you can finish your sentence, and you can bet your bottom dollar it’ll be done right.
HiPers are the epitome of reliability. They’re like the postal service of your organization – neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these employees from the swift completion of their appointed tasks. (Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a bit, but you get the idea.) They work smart, they work hard, and the quality of their work is consistently top-notch.
But wait, there’s more! (I’ve always wanted to say that in an HR context.) Identifying these star employees isn’t just about gut feeling. We’ve got tools in our HR toolkit to help us spot these gems.
Performance reviews are a great place to start. Look for patterns of excellence and growth potential. Are there employees who consistently exceed expectations? That’s a good sign you’ve got a HiPer on your hands. Notice anyone who’s shown significant growth or adaptability? You might be looking at a HiPo.
360-degree feedback can be a goldmine of information. It’s like getting a panoramic view of an employee’s impact. Does everyone rave about how reliable Sarah in accounting is? Sounds like a HiPer. Does the team consistently mention how John in marketing always seems to see the bigger picture? You might want to keep an eye on him as a potential HiPo employee.
Assessment centers, while more resource-intensive, can be incredibly revealing. Watching how employees handle simulations and exercises can give you insights into their potential that you might not see in their day-to-day work.
Talent review meetings are another crucial tool. Getting together with other leaders to discuss and evaluate employees can help you spot patterns and potential that you might have missed on your own. It’s like putting together a puzzle – sometimes you need multiple perspectives to see the full picture.
And let’s not forget about succession planning. When you’re considering factors on who could step into key roles in the future, you’re essentially identifying your HiPos. It’s like playing chess, thinking several moves ahead.
Remember, this isn’t an exact science. I once had a colleague who was convinced that the quiet guy in accounting was a hidden HiPo. Turns out, he was right! The lesson? Trust your instincts, but back them up with data and diverse perspectives. It’s a bit like being a talent detective – you’ve got to gather clues from multiple sources to solve the case.
The Great Debate: HiPo vs HiPer
Now that we’ve identified our HiPos and HiPers, it’s time to address the elephant in the room: which group should we focus on? It’s the HR equivalent of choosing between chocolate and vanilla ice cream – they’re both delicious, but in different ways!
Let’s start with the case for HiPos. These are your future leaders, the ones who might be sitting in the C level executive suite one day (maybe even your chair!). They’ve got the potential to drive innovation and change in ways that could reshape your entire organization. When you invest in a HiPo, you’re not just developing an employee – you’re molding someone who could have a significant long-term impact on your company revenue. It’s like planting a seed that could grow into a mighty oak tree.
But here’s the thing about potential – it’s just that: potential latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness (Oxford Dictionaries). It’s not a guarantee. I’ve seen many HiPo programs fall flat because companies put all their eggs in the “future leader” basket, only to find that some of those eggs never hatched.
Now, let’s look at the case for HiPers. These folks are your bread and butter, delivering results day in and day out. They’ve got deep expertise that’s incredibly valuable to the organization right now. When you’ve got a big project or a tough deadline, who do you turn to? That’s right, your high performers. They’re reliable, they’re consistent, and they set a high bar for performance that helps your organization achieve future success.
The drawback? HiPers might not have the same capacity for growth or adaptability at organizational level as HiPos. They’re excelling in their current roles, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll be able to step up to leadership roles or adapt to significant changes in the organization.
So, which should you choose? Well, here’s a little secret of HR: you don’t have to choose! The key is to create a strategy that nurtures both groups. It’s not an either/or situation – it’s a both/and.
Think of it like tending a garden. Your HiPos are like exotic plants with the potential to produce spectacular blooms, but they need careful nurturing and the right conditions to thrive. Your HiPers, on the other hand, are like reliable perennials that consistently produce beautiful flowers year after year with steady care.
A savvy gardener – or in our case, a savvy HR professional – knows that a truly stunning garden needs both types of plants. The same goes for your organization. You need the steady performance of your HiPers to keep things running smoothly, and you need the potential of your HiPos to drive future growth and innovation.
The HiPo Trap: Avoiding making Pitfalls
Now, before we dive into strategies for developing these star employees, let’s talk about a common pitfall I like to call “The HiPo Trap.” It goes something like this:
You identify a promising HiPo and get excited about their potential. You fast-track them into a leadership role, envisioning them as the next big thing in your organization. But instead of soaring, they crash and burn, leaving you wondering where it all went wrong.
Sound familiar? I’ve seen the same mistake happen more times than I care to admit. It’s like watching a promising recipe go up in flames because you turned the heat up too high, too fast.
Research and Studies conducted by Harvard Business Review demonstrate that more than 40% of internal job moves made by people identified as HiPos end in failure.
The problem is that potential doesn’t always translate into immediate performance, especially in leadership roles. Just because someone has the potential to be a great leader doesn’t mean they’re ready to step into that role right now.
So, how do we avoid this trap? First, remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are great leaders. Development takes time. Give your HiPos opportunities to grow gradually. It’s like strength training – you don’t start with the heaviest weights on day one.
Next, provide support. Offer mentoring, coaching, and training to your strongest leaders to help them develop. Think of it as giving them a safety net while they’re learning to walk the high wire of leadership development.
Setting realistic expectations is crucial, both for the HiPo and for those managing them. Make it clear that being identified as a HiPo isn’t a golden ticket to the top – it’s an opportunity to develop and prove themselves.
Don’t forget to monitor their progress. Regularly assess their development and be ready to adjust your approach as needed. It’s like navigation – you need to check your course regularly to make sure you’re still heading in the right direction.
And here’s a big one that often gets overlooked: don’t neglect your HiPers in your excitement over your HiPos. Remember, they’re delivering results right now. You don’t want to send the message that current performance doesn’t matter as much as future potential.
Nurturing Your Stars: Development Strategies for HiPos and HiPers
Alright, now for the fun part – developing these star employees! But here’s the catch: HiPos and HiPers often need different development approaches. It’s like the difference between training for a marathon and training for a powerlifting competition – both are athletes, but they need different strategies to excel.
For your HiPos, think about providing stretch assignments. These are projects that push them out of their comfort zone, allowing them to flex those potential-filled muscles. It’s like giving them a sneak peek of the challenges they might face in future leadership roles.
Cross-functional experience is another great tool for HiPos. Expose them to different areas of the business. It’s like giving them a backstage pass to how the whole organization works, which will be invaluable when they step into leadership roles.
Leadership development is, of course, a must for HiPos. Invest in the best players and develop their leadership skills early. Think of it as teaching them the rules of the game before putting them on the field.
Mentoring programs can be incredibly powerful for HiPos. Pair them with seasoned leaders who can guide their development. It’s like having a Jedi master to their Padawan learner.
And don’t forget about executive exposure. Give them opportunities to interact with and learn from top leadership. It’s like letting them sit at the grown-ups’ table – they’ll absorb so much just by being in that environment.
Now, for your HiPers, the approach is a bit different. Focus on skill enhancement – provide opportunities for them to deepen their expertise even further. It’s like helping a master chef refine their signature dish.
Recognition programs are crucial for HiPers. Recognize and reward their consistent high performance. It’s like giving a gold star to the student who always aces their tests – it reinforces the behavior you want to see.
Career pathing is important too. Help them see potential growth within their area of expertise. Not everyone wants to be a manager, and that’s okay. Show them how they can grow and develop while still doing what they love and excel at.
Autonomy is often highly valued by HiPers. Give them more control over their work and projects. It’s like telling a virtuoso musician, “Here’s the sheet music, but feel free to add your own flair.”
Encourage your HiPers to share their knowledge. Give them opportunities to mentor others and share their expertise. It’s a win-win – they feel valued for their skills, and your organization benefits from the spread of knowledge.
Now, here’s where it gets interesting. Remember how I said the best employees might be both HiPos and HiPers? For these unicorns, you’ll want to blend these strategies. It’s like creating a custom smoothie – a little bit of this, a little bit of that, until you have the perfect mix!
Engagement and retention strategies
Identifying and developing your HiPos and HiPers is only half the battle. The real challenge? Keeping them engaged and retained. After all, what’s the point of all this work if they’re just going to leave for your competitor? It’s like baking the perfect cake only to have someone else eat it!
For your HiPos, showing them a clear growth path is crucial. They need to see their potential future in the organization. It’s like giving them a roadmap to their dreams – they need to know the destination is worth the journey.
HiPos also crave feedback like plants crave sunlight. They want to know how they’re doing and where they can improve. Regular check-ins and feedback sessions can be incredibly motivating for them.
Challenging work is another key to retaining HiPos. Keep them highly engaged with stimulating projects that allow them to flex their potential. It’s like giving a puzzle enthusiast increasingly complex puzzles to solve – the challenge keeps them coming back for more.
Visibility is important too. Give your HiPos opportunities to showcase their leadership abilities. It’s like letting an understudy perform for the director – it gives them a chance to shine and be noticed.
But here’s a crucial point that often gets overlooked: help your HiPos maintain work-life balance. With all the extra projects and development opportunities, it’s easy for them to over commit upfront and burn out. Remember, you’re in this for the long haul – you want them to sprint, not burn out before the finish line.
Now, for your HiPers, retention strategies look a bit different. Recognition is key – regularly acknowledge their contributions. It’s like giving a standing ovation after a great performance – it makes them want to perform again and again.
Competitive compensation is important for retaining HiPers. Ensure their pay reflects their high performance. It’s not just about the money, but it is a tangible way to show that you value their contributions.
Job enrichment can be a powerful retention tool for HiPers. Keep their current job challenging and interesting. It’s like adding new spices to a favorite recipe – it keeps things interesting without changing the fundamental thing they love.
Autonomy is often highly valued by HiPers. Give them freedom in how they approach their job. It’s like telling a master artist, “Here’s the canvas and the subject, how you paint it is up to you.”
And don’t forget about development opportunities. Even if they’re not on a leadership track, provide chances for HiPers to grow their skills. It shows that you’re invested in their growth, even if that growth is deeper rather than upward.
Remember, retention isn’t one-size-fits-all. I once had a HiPer who was perfectly happy in her role and had zero interest in climbing the corporate ladder. The key to retaining her? Providing interesting projects and opportunities to mentor others. On the flip side, I’ve worked with HiPos who needed a clear view of their future in the company to stay engaged.
The moral of the story? Get to know your stars as individuals. Their motivations, aspirations, and needs are unique – your engagement and retention strategies should be too. It’s like being a good host – you need to know your guests’ preferences to make sure everyone has a good time at the party.
Measuring Success: KPIs for Your HiPo and HiPer Programs
Alright, I know what you’re thinking: “This all sounds great, but how do I know if it’s actually working?” It’s like baking a cake without ever tasting it – sure, it might look good, but is it actually delicious? Fear not, my data-loving friends! Let’s talk about how to measure and enable success of your HiPo and HiPer programs.
For your HiPo programs, one of the key things you’ll want to look at is the promotion rate. Are your HiPos actually moving up in the organization? It’s like watching seeds you’ve planted grow into trees – you want to see that upward movement.
But promotions aren’t everything. Retention rate is crucial too. After all, what’s the point of developing a team player with all that potential if they’re just going to take it to your competitor? It’s like training an Olympic athlete only to have them compete for another country.
Succession readiness is another important metric. How many key positions in your organization have ready-now HiPo successors? It’s like having understudies ready to step in at a moment’s notice – you want to be prepared for any eventuality.
Don’t forget about measuring the development of leadership competencies. Are your HiPos actually developing the fundamental skills requirements they’ll need to lead? It’s like checking if your apprentice wizard is actually learning to cast spells, not just waving a wand around.
Cross-functional mobility is also worth tracking. Does your organization achieve delivering diverse experiences for your HiPos? It’s like watching a chess piece move across the board – you want to see that versatility.
Now, for your HiPer programs, the metrics look a bit different. Performance consistency is key. Are your HiPers maintaining their high performance over time? It’s like checking if your star player is consistently scoring goals, not just having one good season.
Retention rate is just as important for HiPers as it is for HiPos. You’ve got to keep your top performers on your team. It’s like having a secret recipe – you don’t want it walking out the door to your competitor’s kitchen.
Productivity metrics are crucial for HiPers. Are they continuing to exceed targets? It’s like having a race car – you want to make sure it’s not just fast, but consistently breaking speed records.
Knowledge transfer is another important aspect to measure. Are your HiPers effectively sharing their expertise with others in the organization? It’s like having a master chef teach their techniques to the rest of the kitchen staff – you want that knowledge to spread.
And don’t forget about innovation metrics. Are your HiPers contributing to process improvements or new ideas? High performance isn’t just about doing the same thing well, it’s about finding better ways to do it.
Pro tip: Don’t just look at these metrics in isolation. Compare them to your overall employee population to really understand the impact of your programs. It’s like comparing your star players’ stats to the league average – it gives you context for how special they really are.
The Cultural Impact: HiPos, HiPers, and Your Employee Morale
Here’s something that often gets overlooked in the HiPo vs HiPer discussion: the impact on your organizational culture. How you identify, develop, and reward these employees sends a powerful message about what your company values. It’s like setting the rules of the game – it determines how everyone plays.
If you focus too heavily on HiPos, you might create a culture of “potential over performance,” where employees feel that their current contributions don’t matter as much as their future promise. It’s like telling your team that practice doesn’t matter, only natural talent does. Not exactly a recipe for motivation, is it?
On the flip side, if you only reward current high performance, you might stifle innovation and risk-taking. It’s like telling a chef to never experiment with new recipes – sure, you’ll get consistent results, but you might miss out on the next big culinary breakthrough.
The key is to strike a balance. You want to create a culture that values both potential and performance. It’s like running a restaurant that honors its classic dishes while also encouraging chefs to create new specials.
So how do you do this? Start with transparency. Be clear about how you identify HiPos and HiPers. It’s like explaining the rules of the game – everyone should understand how it’s played.
Show that there are multiple paths to success in your organization. Some might climb the corporate ladder, others might become deep experts in their field. It’s like having different game modes – players can choose the one that suits them best.
Encourage collaboration between your HiPos and HiPers. They each have something valuable to learn from the other. It’s like pairing a visionary chef with a master of technique – together, they can create culinary magic.
Balance your recognition. Celebrate both current achievements and future potential. It’s like applauding both the player who scored the winning goal and the rookie showing promising skills in practice.
And make sure your leadership team represents a mix of homegrown HiPos and experienced HiPers. It sends a message that both paths can lead to the top. It’s like having a diverse set of role models for your team to look up to.
Remember, culture eats strategy for breakfast (as the saying goes). You can have the best HiPo and HiPer programs in the world, but if your culture doesn’t support them, they won’t succeed. It’s like having a state-of-the-art kitchen but low employee morale – you’re not going to produce great food.
The Future of HiPos and HiPers: Trends to Watch
As we wrap up this guide, let’s take a quick peek into the crystal ball. What does the future hold for HiPo and HiPer management? It’s like trying to predict the next food trend – exciting, a bit uncertain, but definitely worth paying attention to.
First up, AI-driven identification. Machine learning algorithms are getting better at predicting potential and performance. It’s like having a super-powered talent scout that can analyze countless data points to spot the next star player.
Personalized development is another trend to watch. Technology is enabling more customized learning journeys. It’s like having a personal trainer for each employee’s career development – tailored to their specific needs and goals today.
The rise of project-based work is changing how we think about HiPos and HiPers. We’re moving towards more agile talent management. It’s like shifting from a fixed menu to a rotating selection of daily specials – we need to be more flexible in how we deploy and develop talent.
There’s also a growing emphasis on ensuring diverse representation in HiPo and HiPer pools. It’s not just about finding the best talent, but about finding the best talent from all backgrounds. It’s like realizing that great ingredients can come from any part of the world – diversity enhances the final dish.
Finally, companies are starting to look beyond just leadership potential to other types of impact. Technical expertise, innovation capability, collaborative skills – these and additional things are all being recognized as valuable forms of “high potential.” It’s like realizing that a great restaurant needs not just great chefs, but also sommeliers, hosts, and other specialists.
The bottom line? The world of HiPos and HiPers is evolving, and we need to evolve with it. Stay curious, keep learning, and be ready to change drastically adapt your strategies as needed. It’s like being a chef in a world where food trends and ingredients are constantly changing – you need to stay on your toes!
Bigger Picture: Bringing It All Together
Whew! We’ve covered a lot of ground, haven’t we? From identifying HiPos and HiPers to developing, retaining, and measuring their success, we’ve explored the ins and outs of managing these star employees with countless examples.
If there’s one thing I want you to take away from this guide, it’s this: there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to managing HiPos and HiPers. Your strategy needs to be as unique as your organization and the individuals within it. It’s like creating a signature dish – you need to understand your ingredients, your diners’ tastes, and your own strengths as a chef.
Remember, at the end of the day, we’re dealing with people – not just data points or potential future leaders. Get to know your HiPos and HiPers as individuals. Understand their aspirations, their fears, their motivations. That human touch can make all the difference between a good talent management program and a great one. It’s like the difference between a technically perfect meal and one cooked with love – that extra ingredient that you can’t quite put your finger on, but you definitely can taste.